quinta-feira, 6 de setembro de 2012

A Violação de Nanking.

Falava-se da cidade de Nanking, ou Nanjing- como preferirem. Sim, eu sabia perfeitamente que cidade era, aliás, tinha feito um trabalho sobre a Violação de Nanking, e tinha tido uma ganda nota. Como tinha acontecido ao certo? Bem, as tropas japonesas...a população...porquê? Pois... Já não me lembrava de todo. Que horror. Um genocídio HORRÍVEL, e eu simplesmente não me lembrava. É por isto, pelo perigo que é o esquecimento humano, que se deve martelar e remartelar os incidentes menos simpáticos da História (com H grande).

É um texto grande, mas (eu acho que) vale a pena.

"For six endless weeks, commencing in mid-December of 1937 through the beginning of February of 1938, innocent Chinese civilians living in the city of Nanking and soldiers protecting the city were strangled, raped, mutilated, burnt, stabbed, and tortured by the invading Japanese troops. The Japanese population apparently had no knowledge such a thing was happening, and there was a lack of awareness from the world, which was concentrated on Hitler’s advances. Although current Japanese government states this incident, most commonly known as ”The Rape of Nanking,” is not real, it can be considered one of the most brutal acts of genocide the world has seen, where a country’s powerful military fights a country’s people (“Scarred by history: The Rape of Nanjing”).
            The invasion of Nanking and the consequent massacre derived from both historical and immediate causes. The historical causes for Japan to have started attacking China, beginning with Manchuria, consist of Japan’s need for natural resources and want to expand. As an island, Japan did not have many natural resources, and was in desperate need of them; China was very close and would be an easy target where natural resources could easily be attained.  Japan’s goal for several years now had been to expand their territory, and because Manchuria was a piece of land which had already been disputed over the years by Japanese and Chinese, the Japanese decided to start their invasion of China there, and then follow to the capital, Nanking ("Historical background of nanking massacre.”). The immediate causes of the invasion of Nanking were mostly due to revenge. After Japan’s invasion of Manchuria, many more battles were fought, such as Japan’s invasion of Shangai. The Japanese were eager to conquer the rest of China, so they attacked Shangai in the summer of 1937, expecting their job to be quick and easy; the Chinese disappointed the Japanese by putting up a good fight, only being defeated in November of the same year, delaying the Japanese plans. The Japanese had planned to conquer China in three months, but that was now obviously unachievable, so, in an act of revenge, Japanese savagely invaded Nanking and executed the many acts of violence they did. (Gavin)
            The “Rape of Nanking,” named after the thousands of women and girls that were raped and tortured, began during the summer of 1937, with the invasion of Shangai. The Japanese troops took a very long time to conquer Shangai, unlike what they had expected, and, infuriated by this delay, when they finally took control of Shangai they went after the people of Nanking. The Japanese armies attacked the city of Nanking which was not prepared to put up resistance, like the Chinese armies in Shangai had, and were easily defeated after four days of battle. The first victims of the genocide were the military. Although Japanese looked upon the Chinese as inferior and useless, they were still scared of Chinese revolts, so they trucked all the Chinese soldiers to the outskirts of Nanking, where all the soldiers were tortured to death. Death was caused by using methods such as decapitation, gasoline and fire, running over with trucks, or bayoneting the men. After the men came all of the women. There are accounts that go up to as high as 80,000 women that were raped, mutilated, and killed. Pregnant women were an especially appetizing target, as they could be raped, have their bellies cruelly and mercilessly opened and their foetuses torn out of them, as a prize for the soldiers (“The Rape of Nanking.”).  Another entertainment for the Japanese soldiers was to storm into a house where they would find a family and oblige relatives to rape each other while the others were forced to watch. After most of the violence occurred, the Japanese calmed down, but to entertain themselves they created the Comfort Women System, where young girls would provide the soldiers with as much sexual pleasure as they needed. Throughout the world there was nobody paying attention and helping the situation, only a group of around twenty Europeans and Americans who created the International Safety Zone where no Japanese was allowed. In this area Chinese were able to take refugee, as 300, 000 Chinese did, but the ones who were not able ended up killed. The Japanese soldiers would invent the most horrific methods to kill the Chinese, turning it into a game rather than a reality, where innocent men, women, and children were sacrificed. (Gavin)
            After such atrocities it is hard for two countries, Japan and China, to get along in a good relationship. China does not appreciate the fact that the Japanese government has never officially apologized for their actions in China, claiming that it was not the Japanese people’s fault and that it is not worth apologizing because the Chinese will not accept the apologies. The Japanese prime Minister pays a visit to the graves of Japanese who participated in the Japanese attacks on an annual basis, which sends the Chinese the message that the Japanese view those criminals as heroes, not as people who tortured the Chinese community. There are also many political figures in Japan that claim “The Rape of Nanking” never happened, that it is a Chinese invention, which deeply offends the Chinese. There are also cases which have been taken to court about history textbooks which do not tell what the Japanese did in China accurately, but instead portray the Japanese as the real victims. But it is also important to understand that the government in Japan during the time when the "Rape of Nanking” occurred, completely controlled the people’s thoughts through propaganda, giving the Japanese the idea that the Chinese were the perpetrators, not the Japanese- they were the real victims. All Japanese press was controlled and therefore no objective and truthful information was let in and delivered to the Japanese people. Japan refuses to apologize and China does not understand it was the Japanese government and troops, not the people, who attacked China, which complicates the two countries’ relationship. It is most likely that the two countries will continue to dispute over trivial things, because a genocide as grave as “The Rape of Nanking” is hardly forgotten. (Maciamo)
            Six weeks, 300,000 deaths, 20,000 rapes, and a city crying innocent blood. Ignored by the world, unnecessary lives were lost in Nanking, a damage from which China will never recover, and a genocide Japan will never admit to have committed. A cruel genocide where innocent pain was present at every second, once again a genocide that could have been prevented by the world, if only the world had had its eyes open."

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